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Tag: John Ratcliffe

John Ratcliffe ODNI

Here’s the Truth about the Recent Latest Cyberattacks Targeting the US Election 

  The Stanford Internet Observatory corroborates the reporting on this site about the role of Russian and Iranian intelligence agencies in the U..S. president election. As intelligence analyst Maysam Behravesh wrote on this blog, the reports blaming Iran for a Proud Boy threats against Democrats were hasty and unfounded, while Russian efforts have been abetted...


The Pro-Trump CIA Man: QAnon Madness and Upward Failure

Michael Scheuer is a pure product of the CIA. A career operations officer, he ran the first agency task force that hunted Osama bin Laden. He authored the agency’s rendition program, which kidnapped suspected terrorists (and sometimes innocent people) and tortured them. He combined a deep knowledge of Islamic jihadist movements with a willingness to...

John Ratcliffe

John Ratcliffe, Trump’s Pick for Intelligence Chief, Follows a Slew of QAnon Accounts

The last time Trump attempted to name Rep. John Ratcliffe, Texas Republican as Director of National Intelligence, the White House had to pull his nomination. Ratclffe, according to multiple news reports had padded his resume with a false claims Ratcliffe claimed to have overseen the prosecution of terrorists in Atlanta. His former colleagues said he...

John Ratcliffe

Trump’s ODNI Shell Game: Keep a Loyalist in Top Intelligence Position

President Trump’s campaign to gain control of the U.S. intelligence community took a new old turn over the weekend. Trump nominated Texas congressman John Ratcliffe to serve as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Last month, he named Richard Grenell, currently U.S. ambassador to Germany as acting DNI. Neither man has any intelligence experience. Grenell isolated...

Trump Twitter

Trump, the ‘Deep State,’ and the Democrats

(Published  in The New Republic, “Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s ‘Deep State’ War.” The ongoing contretemps between President Donald Trump and the intelligence community forces a dismal and daunting question: Whose side must be taken in a power struggle between a legion of professional liars and a consummate bullshit artist? Both the president and the...

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