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Tag: Edward Snowden

Five Eyes

The Five Eyes: The Global Spy Network You Never Heard Of

[Inside the Five Eyes: a Five Part Series: Part 1 [below] | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 ] The Netflix thriller series, “Pine Gap” takes place on a sprawling, top-secret signals intelligence facility in the Australian Outback. On the screen, Pine Gap is depicted as a cockpit of drone...

Edward Snowden

The U.S. Government Wants Snowden’s Money. He’s Not Cooperating

The U.S. government, lacking the ability to punish NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in court, wants to seize the proceeds from his book. Mr. Snowden refused to produce documents showing how much he was paid, however, resulting in the magistrate judge agreeing to impose sanctions sought by federal prosecutors. “The Court must conclude that because Snowden...

Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden and the Threat of ‘Turnkey Authoritarianism’

Barton Gellman on Edward Snowden and the Threat of ‘Turnkey Authoritarianism’

I recently spoke with Barton Gellman, former Washington Post reporter and author of “Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State.” The book comes seven years after Gellman was one of three reporters whom Snowden entrusted with a trove of NSA documents about the inner working of dozens of top secret U.S. surveillance operations....

Snowden book cover

House Democrats Include Patriot Act Reauthorization in Funding Bill

Congressional Democrats still refuse to end the post 9/11 legal regime of mass surveillance. That regime violates the constitution as Edward Snow notes, and it uncovered exactly one terrorist plot. The Democrats voted to keep it alive. Evan Greer, deputy director of digital rights group Fight for the Future, highlighted the provision on Twitter shortly...