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Tag: North Korea

Kim Jong-Un

South Korea’s Intelligence Agency Pushes for Olympic Diplomacy

In an exclusive analysis for Deep States, journalist Timothy Shorrock explained last how the  South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) viewed the U.S. presidential election. The NIS, Shorrock reported. plays a key role in President Moon Jae-in’s peace and denuclearization agenda. Shorrock predicted this role would continue regardless of who won the White House. And...

John Delaney

John Delaney, The Trans-Pacific Partnership Candidate

On the Campaign Trail: A self-funding Congressman from Maryland, Delaney is a former businessman whose foreign policy flows from his faith in free-trade economics. Besides immigration, the issues pages of his campaign web site says little on national security or foreign policy questions. [Do you like John Delaney? Tell us why in the comments section....

2020 Democrats on North Korea: Hawks, Doves, and Ducks

2020 Democrats on North Korea: Hawks, Doves, and Ducks

On July 8 the Council on Foreign Relations, the embodiment of the U.S. foreign policy establishment, put a simple question to all the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates? Would you sign an agreement with North Korea that entailed partial sanctions relief in exchange for some dismantling of its nuclear weapons program but not full denuclearization? Fourteen...

Daniel Coats

Keep Hope Alive: South Korea’s Moon Meets Dan Coats to Save Nuclear Talks

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats is in South Korea meeting with President Moon Jae-in. Moon is trying to coax Trump into an agreement with North Korea that will end the Korea war and gradually denuclearize the Korean peninsula. On this issue, many Democrats in Washington are mindlessly siding with John Bolton against the peace-minded...

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