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Category: United States


Trump Ramped Up Drone Strikes in America’s Shadow Wars

From the Daily Beast: In 2009 and 2010, Obama launched 186 drone strikes on Yemen, Somalia, and especially Pakistan. Donald Trump’s drone strikes during his own first two years on the three pivotal undeclared battlefields, however, eclipse Obama’s—but without a corresponding reputation for robot-delivered bloodshed, or even anyone taking much notice. In 2017 and 2018...

Andrew Kim, CIA

After CIA Visit, South Korea’s Intel Chief Expects Another Summit

President Trump’s “fire and fury” rhetoric no longer drives the news cycle. Nor does the pomp and circumstance of his Singapore summit with North Kore’s Kim Jong Un. The most recent denuclearization talks between the United States, North Korea, and South Korea were cancelled earlier this month. All the while, the U.S. and South Korean intelligence...

Trump deep state tweets

7 Bogus Trump Tweets about the ‘Deep State’

People may ask about THE DEEP STATE news blog, is this a platform for President Trump’s conspiracy theories? The answer is no. Trump has tweeted about the “deep state” seven times since June 2017. They show that the president’s complaints about the “deep state” have little to do with the legitimate reasons people fear secret intelligence...

CIA director Gina Haspel

Trump Sides With Saudis Over CIA

CIA director Gina Haspel now occupies the warmest chairs in Washington. With President Trump’s statement Tuesday that “we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi,” the agency’s findings in the case of murdered Saudi journalist have been trashed. Congress wants to hear from Haspel, finding her more a credible source...


Doctors Diagnosis of CIA: Medical Complicity in Torture Program Was Sick

Physicians for Human Rights doesn’t mince words about release of a top secret report on CIA doctors who worked in the torture program between 2002 and 2009. The ACLU obtained the internal history last week. The 90-page document provides a chilling account of how CIA health professionals willingly participated in torture. The “Summary and Reflections” of...