Voter 'Fraud' Disinformation

After a summer in which Attorney General Bill Barr dispatched unidentified federal agents to confront racial justiice protesters in Portland and an armed gang descended on the capital of Michigan to protest the tyranny of face masks, the threat of violence around the November 3 election could not be discounted.

So, far it hasn’t materialized.

A lot of protests. A lot of posturing by the president’s lawyer. A bunch of lawsuits. Some armed men showed up at a protest in Phoenix. The heat is rising. But the vote counting goes on.. It’s more reassuring than scary, at the moment.

Still, Kyle Murphy, a former senior analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency, warned early Wednesday on the Just Security website that there remained an “increased risk” of violence due to Trump’s “false claims that he was winning decisive states, had won the election, and that his opponents were attempting to steal the election.”

Murphy, who resigned in August after witnessing federal troops roughly clearing protesters from Lafayette Square across from the White House, called Trump’s claims “antidemocratic and incendiary.” He also noted that senior Republican leaders “have largely remained silent in response to the president’s claims.”

Source: Election Violence Fails to Materialize—So Far – SpyTalk